Designs, workflow and other small business notes
Well, the holidays are now over and I'm almost a month into my return. The new year has been a breath of fresh air in many ways. Some of my learnings include:
- Keeping email under control is important. People like when you get back to them quickly with real information. Being organized facilitates this.
- Getting a VOIP line is valuable if you have a fast network and are running out of daytime minutes.
- Designing is something I enjoy, but, not something I do all the time - I am used to working with professoinal designers.
- Health is even more vital to your success. That means sleeping, getting over colds and flus quickly and having a stable work space.
These things all said, I'm ready to launch some new sites. They have been steeping for awhile and they are now ready for prime time. With any luck next week will be full of announcements of new client work.
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